Friday, December 24, 2010


The all-in-one desktop PDF production toolkit that’s powerful and easy-to-use

callas pdfToolbox 4 verifies any PDF and addresses production issues through intelligent corrections. pdfToolbox catches problems through in-depth analysis and generates preflight reports useful for both pre-press professionals or less technical users. Production specialists will be particularly impressed by the detailed visualization of ink coverage problems, low-resolution images and hairline objects.

callas pdfToolbox 4 can:

Check and correct according to industry standards, including PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-3, PDF/X-4 and PDF/X-4p
Convert Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel files as well as OpenOffice documents into print-ready PDFs
Perfectly convert color with smooth color, pure black text and enhanced gray balance for consistent print output
For prepress professionals, there’s an updated preflight engine which supports

the latest ISO standards
advanced color management
imposition of everything from business cards to full N-up impositions
splitting or join-ing of PDF content
controls to resize and reposition PDF content
the ability to embed, subset, replace and convert fonts to outlines.
callas DeviceLink Add-on for Acrobat

The callas DeviceLink Add-on is a comprehensive set of specially prepared DeviceLink profiles to perform color transformations of complete PDF files.
This way the colors of a PDF file prepared for a different printing condition can be transformed to meet the needs of the actual printing condition.
Our DeviceLink profiles take care that pure colors do not get “polluted” and elements in gray stay gray.

We give you best range for the low-end budget but serve you best result.

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